Volt Logo VOLT Banking Firm

(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions

Whats The End Goal?

To create and develop a more modern approch to banking. Do other banks have clients you can download? no, but do we? yes, yes we do.

Who Started This, And When?

A guy by the name of Joseph, but online his name is Vadenez. This was started on 2020-05-14, durring the Covid-19 pandemic.

Where is the VOLT Office?

On Mars, with Elon Musk.

Whats Comming Up Next?

Since our github is easier to manage then this website, we have a "Plans" section in our README.md/description that shows whats comming up next, in a cronological order.

How Can I Help?

The best way for you to help is to either put up an "issue" on our our github, or if you understand Html, CSS, or C++ you can put up a pull request of the changes you would make to the Volt Banking Client or this website.

Hows The Security?
