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The Volt Banking Client Support Errors

Error Code: 1001

Error code 1001 occurs when their are no support employees to help you with your current error. When this error does occur you will be redirected to this webpage in order to firgure out what happened on your own. If your error is not listed on this webpage, please email us at voltbusiness.volt@gmail.com or wait for a support employee to come online.

Error Code: 1002

Error code 1002, better known as "username and/or pincode comeback not valid." This is one of the most common errors one would see when creting an account, as we really don't warn you about the criteria before hand.
The criteria being:

  1. More or equal to 6 characters and/or numbers for the Username
  2. Less or equal to 12 characters and/or numbers for the Username
  3. No special charcters or spaces in the Username or Pin
  4. No characters in the Pincode
  5. More or equal to 4 numbers for the Pincode
  6. Less or equal to 6 numbers for the Pincode