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Getting a Job at VOLT


The first thing you think of when getting a job is pay, right? Pay for at home work can be anywhere from 15-40 USD an hour, depending on what skills you have and what tasks you are asigned. While in office work would pay more, form 30-70 USD, only depending on your skills.

Skills Needed

Many skills are needed here at volt here are some of them:

  • Html 5 and CSS, with possible JavaScript knowledge (Website Workers | 15-30 USD home or 30-45 office)
  • People fluent in C++, as our client is based on it (Client Developer | 25-40 USD home or 40-70 office)
  • Python 3 users who also know Html 5 and CSS or just C++, as the two libraries we use for our client were coded with both inmind. Also as our websites backend needs to be coded in Python 3. (Website Worker and/or Client Developer | Depends)


None, just the luxurie of eventual, unavoidable debt.

Will You Atempt to Get a Job


Will You Atually Get a Job
